Author's online course by Victoria Contoret
Profession — N.E.O.Provider and Master of Micro-Meditations
Self-restore of Life Energy in stressful and crisis situations, getting rid of fear and anxiety + independent maintenance of your resources in the current day.
Interval Micro-meditation N.E.O. Method with the integration of N.E.O.Pauses into the rhythm of your life
Become a Resource State Master in 7 weeks and pass on your skills to people. Create a conscious environment of Like-Minded People around yourself.
Helping N.E.O.Profession of the present and the future
7-week Online Course includes:
Micro N.E.O.Retreat from a Mentor
Online Session per week

Final Test

Online Training Sessions of 60 minutes each
Full Weeks of training
Become a specialist whose contacts will be gratefully passed from hand to hand for the next 20 years.

N.E.O.Provider of Light Energy
Certificate of successful mastery of the N.E.O.Method with the right to pass on your skill to people.

Mastery of Autonomous Control of Your Resource State in Everyday Life
with the help of Micro-Practices and N.E.O. Meditations of Light.
Who really needs to take this course?
You need it if:
YOU FEEL an obvious or apparent Meaninglessness in your life;
  • there is something wrong with this reality;
  • everything around is distorted: history, meanings, goals.
YOU DO NOT AGREE with being uncomfortable in your comfort zone.
YOU ARE CONCERNED by the emptiness of the inner in a saturated, fast-paced outer.
YOU HAVE a medical diagnosis that limits: life, mobility, opportunities.
YOU ARE TIRED OF BRAIN HYPERACTIVITY: analysis, evaluation, comparisons, judgments, categoricalness, dominant patterns of actions and habits.
YOU SEE the destruction of ancestral, family, and friendship ties
YOU ARE FULL of the desire to understand YOURSELF and the Universe.
A Healthy and Active Life begins with the skill of self-care, which is formed in youth or adulthood. It underlies emotional and financial well-being.
There is Light within you
It is the source of Life Energy. It can sleep - being not an active co-creator of your Well-Being reality. Awaken the Light within you and develop the skills to maintain it in your everyday life.
Shine on yourself, your loved ones, and humanity!
The meaning of the Project. N.E.O.Provider and Master of Micro-Meditations:

We learn to independently replenish our Life Energy in the Moment;
Without being tied to a place or therapist.
Know-How@ training with video homework.
Online Sessions once a week for 60 minutes.
Convenient time and online meeting schedule.
According to a simple and proven Author's N.E.O.Method.
Once and forever.
For individuals and professionals.
Proven by 30 years of practice.
N.E.O. PROVIDER is NOT THE ONE who knows how to Shine, but the ONE who cannot help but Shine!
N.E.O.Provider is not engaged in transformation of other people's programs or analysis of situations, and is not a psychologist, consultant or healer.
Individual and Group training format with individual supportive feedback.
We practice and live in a Resource State every day;
We help the People around us and train people so that they can also Help themselves and pass on their skills further.

The task of the N.E.O.Provider is to conduct energy of subtle frequency and purity, to shine by analogy with the Sun, without choosing, just as the Sun does not choose where its light falls.
Victoria Contoret is the facilitator and the mentor of this course
Author, writer, founder of the international N.E.O.PEOPLE community.

Master of micro-meditations and micro-practitioner of N.E.O.Pause.

Designer of the N.E.O.Home conscious living style.

Researcher of levels of consciousness/ mindfulness through the Pyramid of Human Uniqueness Contoret©️.
Victoria: About myself
I go and lead for the Star Meanings, bringing to Earth a new profession — N.E.O. Provider of Light Energy.

I don’t drink alcohol. I think and speak clearly and purely from a point of joy, prosperity and faith.

I see beauty and endless potential in this world. I trust Life.
I live in travel, purity, sincerity and Light.

I am creating the N.E.O. Estate project for Like-minded people, bringing into reality from the Energy Stream the N.E.O. Forms of Well-Being Life through Methods, Courses, Practices, Intensives, Meditations, Subscription Community, Mentoring.
She has been receiving and streaming information for more than 35 years. All her own author's methods are based on personal experience and the experience of her students.
About Victoria:
The task of the N.E.O.Provider of Light Energy is the ability to activate his light algorithms and systems, to be able to shine for himself, people and humanity, as well as to pass on his skills and train the N.E.O. Providers who follow him.

Virtual Reality Specialist (VR)
Studying in English, you get Certificates in 2 languages: in English and in the language of the country where you live or work.
In 7 online Sessions with homework, you will do serious work without stress and with pleasure, pass Certification and master the profession of the present and future.
Virtual Identity Designer

Sustainability Specialist
White Hat Hacker
Keep up with the times, Integrate into a rapidly changing space, Create your Welfare and Abundance in the rhythm of the Present. New professions arise every day. Choose with your heart.
professions of the future
Tuition fee
Do you want to become a N.E.O.Provider but the cost is too high?
You can apply for the N.E.O. Grant and get financial support for taking the course.
The actual result of the course and receiving the Certificate:
Practical skill to self-restore and maintain your Resource state in the Moment.
Objective ability to pass on your Mastery to people according to the training algorithm of the N.E.O.Method.
Deep mastery of 9 N.E.O.Pauses for your own use and further transmission to people.
The ability to meditate and give N.E.O.Meditation of Light Energy "I AM A STAR".
Qualification, Certificate and the right to teach people the Interval N.E.O.Method of micro-meditations with the integration of N.E.O.Pauses into the rhythm of their lives.
The right to self-employment in accordance with the laws of the place of residence.
Knowledge and practice of the Helping N.E.O.Module of 60 minutes.
Knowledge of the meanings, concepts and standards of the N.E.O.Project, the ability to Present your skills.
Activation of the light structures of your N.E.O.Home inner space.
Access to the community of N.E.O.Providers - Like-minded people, annual professional training and the right to vacancies and employment in international N.E.O.PEOPLE projects.
Our N.E.O.Method is for the person who thinks, realizes himself responsible for his life and his well-being.

The interval N.E.O.Method of micro-meditations with the integration of N.E.O.Pauses into the rhythm of your life.


Business owners and top-managers, professional team leaders.
Experts and masters of energy practices. Such professionals will pass the method on and apply it to help their clients. This category includes: energy therapists, healers, bioenergetics, spiritual development instructors, life coaches, healthy lifestyle counselors, transformational guides, and mentors in spiritual development.
Drivers, pilots, ship captains, navigators.
All teachers, educators, nannies, moms and dads, who consciously participate in the upbringing of children.
Health care professionals, specialists in the social sphere, psychologists and other helping professionals.
Scientists, analysts and strategists.
IT specialists and professionals with high computer time.
Students of colleges and universities, of all training and developmental courses, and also school students.

Who will benefit from this course?
individuals and professionals